CEO Level
The money a company has in the bank is often its main asset. With our Cash Management System, you receive a weekly overview of your account balance, enabling you to see exactly where the money is invested and the interest rates. Get alerts and notifications to assure no money is left on the table.
CFO Level
Our system delivers routine reports that provide a detailed and relevant overview of the financial state of the company, enabling to know in advance aspects like the level of asset liquidity and currency risk. Additionally, the CMS provides alerts on unmanaged funds and informs of better investment opportunities based on a review & comparison of other existing accounts managed by Nextage. We assure you get the best deal available through a comparison of different investment vehicles.
Controller Level
The controller of the company receives data and notifications on cash flow, invested finance and interest rates. If any money lays in 0% interest, the controller receives alerts to close the cash as soon as possible. In this manner the system enforces efficient management and reports any irregularities ahead of time.
Company Level
With the overall large sum of cash managed by CMS, we are able to negotiate with the banks and receive preferred terms for our clients. Interest rates and commissions are negotiated based on our total balance with different banks and not your account only. In the event that your bank attempts to charge you according to less-than-optimal interest rates, or your checking account balance reaches a balance that isn't serving you well, CMS automatically sends you an instant alert, enabling you to intervene quickly.
A strong and well-managed treasury is the heart of any organization. For many companies, both young and mature, building a stable financial operation can pose a huge challenge. Cash flow that isn’t managed with keen, sensitive care results in inefficiency and even wastefulness. As it goes, if your controller is not 100% attentive to the constant change in numbers in your bank accounts, chances are you’re not getting the best interest rates or you’re spending too much on commissions. Consequently, you’re losing money.
Managing Your Cash Flow
At Nextage, we figured the way to empower all levels of a company’s management, the CEO, the CFO and the controller, by developing our own tool- the Cash Management System (CMS). The CMS deals with management issues in a cross-channel manner, providing reports for analysis of existing balances in different banks and showing available opportunities for investment.
Whether your organization is a single company with one bank account, or a corporate group owning ten bank accounts, with our CMS, all the data and transactions are made fully visible and delivered to your inbox weekly. You'll be able to visualize relevant trends, waterfall charts and even reconcile discrepancies between budgets and actual cash flow. Knowing where you stand financially at any given moment enables you to make smarter decisions in time.
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Our specialized cash management system was designed and developed in-house, to help you lead your company efficiently and with foresight.
With our Business Process Management Solution, you can create a work environment that delivers real-time results.